Artisan Bakery
A big step for us at Örum is our own small farm bakery. Our breads are made with sourdough, which develops the character and taste of the bread through a slow fermentation process. Here, we build the foundation of our hotel breakfast; freshly baked croissants, sourdough bread, Danish rye bread, and breakfast rolls.
Our recipes are simple and based on traditional techniques and a few ingredients; salt, water, stone flour, sourdough – and time. We like to experiment with different carefully selected flours. Our range is small – we bake because we love it.
And, if you love it too, you are welcome to join us in the bakery. We’re happy to help you develop your craft and skills.
Jespers Choices
Baguette / SEK 35
Örums Sourdough Bread / SEK 55
Danish Rye Bread / SEK 55
Sourdough Rolls / SEK 12
Croissant / SEK 30
Vanilla Bun / SEK 30
Cardamom Bun / SEK 30
The bakery opens in the spring.
During the summer, Jesper and Karolina bake every day.